Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

December 18, 2015

Top recent reads from my bedside pile

Filed under: Book Reviews — The Writer @ 10:47 pm

I took a quick pic of the books that I enjoyed over the past year/18 months. Here are some thoughts on some of them…

Anne Enright’s The Green Road, which I just finished this evening, contains a description of Celtic Tiger Christmas dinner shopping I doubt will ever be topped in fiction. The rest of it is pretty superb too. I felt like

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December 17, 2015

2015 My reading year

Filed under: News — The Artist @ 4:54 pm

Inspired by various reading challenges I decided for 2015 to track my reading. Thinking of myself as a fairly avid reader I wanted to know how many books I would actually read and more specifically, if that number would reach fifty.

A curiosity rather than a bet I would keep track but not push myself to read more than came naturally.

The year started

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