Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

Mr Wrong by Jaye Carroll

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Looking for Mr Wrong Author: Jaye Carroll Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Release Date: Jan 1 2004 Pages: 496

Orla had a fantastic job. She was an interior designer and high flying was her speciality. One day she decided to set up her own business but, unfortunately for Orla, she never really thought about everything that went into running a company and within months she had to shut it down.

Back to waitressing part-time, doing up her parents’ old home

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A Moth at the Glass by Mogue Doyle

Filed under: Book Reviews,Irish,Biography — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: A Moth at the Glass Author: Mogue Doyle Genre: Biography, Irish Publisher: Random House Release Date: Feb 1 2005 Pages: 239

Will is watching Kate Kelly through her kitchen window, like a moth at the glass he tries desperately to recapture his youth and leave behind the torment of the last forty years.

Set in Springmount, County Wexford, A Moth at the Glass tells the story of a family torn apart by tragedy. Will is destined to always watch the woman he loves through a pane

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Moments, Irish Women Writers in Aid of the Tsunami Victims

Filed under: Book Reviews,Irish — The Writer @ 12:55 pm
Title: Moments, Irish Women Writers in Aid of the Tsunami Victims Author: Edited by Ciara Considine Genre: Irish Publisher: Irish Book Publications Pages: 380

Anyone looking for a bite-sized taste of the best of Ireland’s contemporary women writers should check out this charity publishing project. Maeve Binchy, Cecelia Ahern, Christine Dwyer Hickey, Sheila O’Flanagan, Patricia Scanlan, Deirdre Purcell, Pauline McLynn, Kate Thompson, Emma Donoghue and thirty more familiar and not so familiar

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Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Nights of Rain and Stars Author: Maeve Binchy Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Publisher: Orion Media Release Date: 2005 Pages: 392

When Maeve Binchy published Scarlet Feather in 2001 we were told it was her last novel. The loss of an Irish author of Binchy’s calibre has left a gaping hole on the shelves in many bookshops around the world; a hole which countless young female Irish authors have since tried to fill, with very little success. However in August of this year

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Living the Dream by Kate Thompson

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Living the Dream Author: Kate Thompson Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Release Date: Jun 1 2005 Pages: 619

Living the Dream is Kate Thompson’s seventh novel and sees the return of some of her favourite characters.

Cleo Dowling’s dream has just come true, she’s won the lotto. Even though she is determined not to change, everyone’s attitude towards her does change, so Cleo takes off to a small village in the west of Ireland

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