Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

The Murder Exchange by Simon Kernick

Filed under: Book Reviews,Thriller — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: The Murder Exchange Author: Simon Kernick Genre: Thriller Publisher: Random House Release Date: 2011-05 Pages: 431

When ex-mercenary Max Iversson is introduced to night-club owner Roy Fowler, he senses immediately that the man is trouble. Fowler wants security for a meeting with a group of ‘businessmen’ who are looking to buy his club. Five grand for a couple of hours’ work is too tempting a proposition to turn down, so Iversson – against

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The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Filed under: Book Reviews,Thriller — Femmes @ 12:55 pm
Title: The Lovely Bones Author: Alice Sebold Genre: Thriller Publisher: Macmillan Release Date: 2003 Pages: 328

In addition to having all the trappings of a page-turner, Alice Sebold’s morbid Lovely Bones explores two levels of death – both those that are left behind and the departed. The narrator is a young girl who is brutally murdered at the age of fourteen. The reader is taken through her struggles and attachments to the life she was tragically

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The Messiah by Boris Starling

Filed under: Book Reviews,Thriller — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Messiah Author: Boris Starling Genre: Thriller Publisher: HarperCollins UK Release Date: 1999 Pages: 483

A stunning, shocking, wonderfully well written debut reminiscent of James Patterson and one that will catapault Boris Starling to the front rank of thriller writers.

The summer of 1998 sees London in the middle of a heat wave with a killer on the loose. Men are being murdered in their homes in the middle of the night, the only clue – a silver

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Kill the Messenger by Tami Hoag

Filed under: Book Reviews,Thriller — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Kill the Messenger Author: Tami Hoag Genre: Thriller Release Date: Jun 1 2011 Pages: 423

I love thrillers. More importantly I love the way Tami Hoag writes a thriller. Combining gory death with true life experiences, Hoag produces believable writing in a way not many modern crime thriller writers can.

At the end of a long day battling street traffic, bike messenger Jace Damon has one last drop to make. But, en route to delivering a package

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