(Published by Canongate International )
True page-turners of a certain caliber are hard to find. I have been on the look out for a book that I would sink into from page one for many months now. Although I have found many wonderful books, this book will take you briefly into another world to absolutely loose your self in. It is a fast paced thriller set in the heat of a southern Italian summer that explores themes of loss of childhood. Very well translated, the humor is not lost, nor are the vivid descriptions- it is a great summer read.
When I finished the book, I felt completely satiated because it had filled a longing for a two-day ‘unputdownable’ break between the covers. In keeping with light entertainment, this book also manages to narrate from a child’s voice that is genuine and a very likeable character. The dynamics between the child and his group of friends are delivered seamlessly throughout the fast paced plot, as are the child’s own personal experiences.
I understand that this has been made into a film, yet when reading the book, I was not distracted by the sometimes obvious sense that Hollywood was in the author’s mind. Certainly this is not a book to read if one is looking for anything life changing, it is just pure delightful entertainment with a very dark edge. Laced with laughs, believable characters and a simple, yet engaging plot- I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.