Random House

Using the basic facts concerning the 1940s’ notorious and yet unsolved Black Dahlia case, Ellroy creates a kaleidoscope of human passion and dark obsession. A young woman’s mutilated body is found in a Los Angeles vacant lot.
The story is seen through the eyes of Bucky Bleichert, ex-prize fighter and something of a boy wonder on the police force. There is no relief or humor as Bleichert arrives at a grisly discovery. Ellroy’s powerful rendering of the long-reaching effects of murder gives the case new meaning.
Synopsis from the back cover
Score awarded by Bibliofemme: 3.3 out of 5
What the other femmes had to say
“A dark and disturbing crime thriller that I enjoyed despite frequent plot holes and discrepancies.” 4/5
“Dark, well-written thriller, but I’d prefer to have watched it on the big screen (and I’m guessing that’s what the author thought too…)” 2/5
“Not Ellroy’s best book but a great read if you don’t mind the (occasional) graphic gore.” 4/5
“Enjoyed this, well written definitely not his best but worth a read” 4/5
“Not being a thriller reader I was surprised to find that I didn’t skip one gory detail. A satisfactory introduction to the genre.” 3/5