Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

False Intentions by Arlene Hunt

Filed under: Book Reviews — Femmes @ 12:55 pm

False Intentions by Arlene Hunt  Thriller
(Published by Hodder Headline Ireland)
3 Stars

Kelpie is struggling against the elements. Battling against wind and rain he manages to defy nature and reach the shore with his precious cargo intact. Ashley Naughton leaves Tempest, a popular Dublin nightspot run by Vinnie York. Although she somehow manages to teeter home on her ridiculously high heels, Ashley never makes it past the front door.

Kelpie and Ashley are both missing. There is no connection between them and notorious Dublin criminal Patrick York – Vinnie’s father – is desperate to locate Kelpie.

Margo Nuaghton hires rookie detective agency QuicK to find her daughter. Sarah Kenny and John Quigley, the partners who own QuicK, are in way over their heads. Their search for Ashley leads to just one place – Tempest and Vinnie and Patrick York.

False Intentions is Ashley Hunt’s second novel. Although graphically violent in parts, Hunt manages to balance blood and gore and the actual storyline quite well.

It is hard to write a thriller that will keep the readers guessing to the end, which Hunt has not tried to do. False Intentions benefits from being told through two perspectives, that of the criminal and of the detective. This is a well written page-turner that will keep the reader hooked until the last line. The Techie

June 2005

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