Biography & Autobiography
Canongate Books
Oct 1 2002

From Oxford to the toughest US maximum security penitentiary of Terre Haute, Indiana, Howard Marks has got an amazing story to tell. Mr Nice is an autobiography of Wales’ most notorious drug smuggler. Written with laugh out loud humour and passages that will grip you and coerce you into rereading time and time again, this is one very well written book that I highly recommend.
Marks tells his life story with both wit and wisdom. Where one would normally find a biographer recounting the days of fame and fortune, Marks explains his life with ease and sense, two elements you would not expect to find when reading about the market of illegal substance.
This man will bring you through 43 aliases and twice as many counties with a narrative that never slows or indulges in the egocentric. His life is told with stunning honesty and cunning cop-on, with every element of a top notch thriller and undercover expos . For a bit of spice, Marks’ affiliations with organisations such as MI6, CIA, the IRA and the Mafia pepper the pages, with the easy going pace of a cup of tea and a bar of chocolate.
Marks maintains a personal and human contact with the reader; sharing his experience with such honesty that the reader is granted every weakness and vulnerability, whilst being taken on the enthralling journey of the not-so- seedy underground of big business drug deals. Suspenseful, hilarious, and thought provoking, trust me when I say: there is a treat to be had here for every one.