Random House

Laura, Helen and Nicola have been friends for along time – three very different women with three very different careers.
Laura is a secretary but has always designed her own jewellery and now, with the help and support of the wonderful Neil, she is starting her own company.
Nicola, is Ms Independent. She loves her home, her job and has the lovely Ken.
Helen, well Helen has it all doesn’t she? A high-flying career, a body that men would die for, a stylish home and an adorable daughter.
Chloe is spoilt rotten and all she cares about is what people think. She’s busy planning the wedding of the year to Dan Hunt.
On the surface everyone seems happy, but all is not what it seems, and when things get rough you find out who your true friends really are.
Melissa Hill has a lovely style of writing and there is a twist to this book that most crime writers would be proud of.