
Jennifer is a single mother. Once upon a time she had a high-flying career, monthly highlights and contact lenses. Now her life revolves around her little boy Charlie, all she has in her life is Charlie and that’s all she needs. When he starts school, like any mother, Jennifer is torn – worrying about him while he is gone and at a complete loss what to do while he isn’t around.
Gradually she establishes a life of her own but a casual trip to the doctor turns their lives upside down when Charlie is diagnosed with leukaemia, the same illness that killed Jennifer’s grandmother. All of sudden her cosy world is coming apart at the seams and she realises that she needs help and support; it’s time to build some bridges.
Denise Deegan’s Time in a Bottle addresses many issues – coping with a life threatening illness, the relationship between mother and daughter, and ex-lovers. Leukaemia itself is a brave topic to attack at any stage in your writing career but particularly in your second book. Deegan has done a wonderful job and the reader is drawn in. Though somewhat predictable the storytelling itself makes up for this.
I look forward to her third book.