Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

The Body Artist by Don DeLillo

Filed under: Bookclub Books,General Fiction — The Writer @ 3:07 pm
Title: The Body Artist Author: Don DeLillo Genre: General Fiction Publisher: Picador USA Release Date: 2011 Pages: 124 Meeting: Thursday 11th December 2003

There is a constant chill running through this short, complex narrative. It never lets up and it has led some to think of The Body Artist as a ghost story; I prefer to see it as an uncannily taut evocation of loss.

When the death of her husband leaves Lauren in a trance-like state she shuts herself away from the world. Thus begins a tentative relationship

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Madam Bovary – Gustave Flaubert

Filed under: Bookclub Books,Classics — The DJ @ 3:07 pm
Title: Madame Bovary Author: Gustave Flaubert, Geoffrey Wall, Genre: Classics Publisher: Penguin UK Release Date: 2003-01 Pages: 335 Meeting: Monday 16th July 2003

I picked this book to get us away from contemporary literature. Known as a classic that divides critics, I thought it would (and it did!) generate lively debate. This slow-moving tale is an overly descriptive account of provincial life in nineteenth century France. It specifically focuses on Emma Bovary, a selfish wife bored by domesticity. She has

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The Colour by Rose Tremain

Filed under: Bookclub Books,Historical Fiction — The Historian @ 3:07 pm
Title: The Colour Author: Rose Tremain Genre: Historical Fiction Publisher: Random House Release Date: 2004 Pages: 366 Meeting: Friday 8th October 2004

As I head off for the far-flung shores of New Zealand, I wanted my last Bibliofemme choice to reflect the coming changes in my own circumstances. An extended search for books by authors from that country was unfruitful but I eventually discovered Rose Tremain’s The Colour, a book not by a New Zealander but about New Zealand, specifically the

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The Constant Gardener by John Le Carre

Filed under: Bookclub Books,Thriller — The Techie @ 3:07 pm
Title: The Constant Gardener Author: John Le Carré Genre: Thriller Release Date: 2006 Pages: 506

As an avid John Le Carre fan, having read the Spy who came in from the Cold, his latest novel The Constant Gardener, jumped off the shelf at me and begged to be bought! Eager to share his brilliance with the rest of the club I was quite pleased with my choice – oh how wrong could I be….

The Constant Gardener is based in Africa telling the tale

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Atomised by Michel Houellebecq

Filed under: Bookclub Books,Cult — The Writer @ 3:07 pm
Title: Atomised Author: Michel Houellebecq Genre: Cult Publisher: Random House Release Date: 2001 Pages: 379

Half-brothers Michel and Bruno have a mother in common but little else. Michel is a molecular biologist, a thinker and idealist, a man with no erotic life to speak of and little in the way of human society. Bruno, by contrast, is a libertine, though more in theory than in practice, his endless lust is all too rarely reciprocated. Both are in their

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The Girls of Slender Means by Muriel Spark

Filed under: Bookclub Books,General Fiction — The Artist @ 12:55 pm
Title: The Girls of Slender Means Author: Muriel Spark Publisher: Penguin Pages: 144

Like the follow up to the girls of St Trinian’s or some other girls’ boarding school tale, the girls of the May of Teck Club live in a cosy world of dress-sharing, squeezing out windows and entertaining suitors.

The May of Teck Club is not a school society but a hostel existing for the “pecuniary convenience and social protection

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May 17, 2007

Running for the Hills: A Family Story by Horatio Clare

Filed under: Bookclub Books,General Fiction — Femmes @ 3:07 pm
Title: Running for the Hills: A Family Story Author: Horatio Clare Genre: General Fiction Publisher: John Murray; New Ed edition Meeting: 17th May 2007

Ok, ok. So I gave this book 5 out of 5, and was greeted with gasps of open-mouthed horror and amazement… Judging by the praise Horatio Clare’s childhood memoir has garnered in reviews since its publication, there are lots of people out there who agree with me – unfortunately, none of them are in this bookclub!

In my defence

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