Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

The Alphabet Sisters by Monica McInerney

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: The Alphabet Sisters Author: Monica McInerney Genre: Families Publisher: Pan Macmillan Release Date: 2008 Pages: 400

Anna, Bett and Carrie Quinlan were childhood singing stars – the Alphabet Sisters. As adults they haven’t spoken for years. Not since Bett’s fiancé left her for another sister…

Now Lola, their larger-than-life grandmother, summons them home for a birthday extravaganza and a surprise announcement.

The main concept of The Alphabet

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Georgina Campbell’s Ireland: The Best of The Best

Filed under: Book Reviews,General Fiction,Irish — The Historian @ 12:55 pm
Title: Georgina Campbell's Ireland Author: Georgina Campbell Genre: Travel Publisher: Georgina Campbell Guides Release Date: 2005-11-01 Pages: 255

While the internet has undoubtedly simplified the matter of finding holiday accommodation, it’s never at hand (unless, of course, you’ve got your portable internet device nearby) when you’re on the road, looking for a decent bite to eat and somewhere to stay at short notice. It’s situations like these that make you thankful

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Around Ireland with a Pan by Éamonn Ó Catháin

Filed under: Book Reviews,Irish,Cookery — The Historian @ 12:55 pm
Title: Around Ireland with a Pan Author: Éamonn Ó Catháin Genre: Cookery

Irish chef Éamonn Ó Catháin will be a familiar face to anyone who’s ever flicked to TG4 and caught Bia’s Bothar, his food series as Gaeilge. Entertaining and informative, his trip through the foodie highways and byways of Ireland was something that’d been done many times before but Bia’s Bothar was none the less enjoyable

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Lovers’ Hollow by Orna Ross

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Lovers' Hollow Author: Orna Ross, Áine McCarthy, Genre: Chick-lit Release Date: 2006 Pages: 667

The first thing you notice about Lovers’ Hollow is its weight – at 668 pages this book is not for the weak limbed! However, if you do manage to balance the book and start turning the pages, you will find a riveting story hidden between the covers.

Jo Devereux returns to Wexford for her mother’s funeral with mixed feelings; she hasn’t

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Love Hurts by Linda Kavanagh

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Love Hurts Author: Linda Kavanagh Genre: Ireland Publisher: Poolbeg Press Release Date: Jan 1 2004 Pages: 504

The cover of this book is deceptive. It would lead me to believe that this book was just another standard chick lit novel but it isn’t, it’s much more.

Love Hurts tells us the story of Ciara, who has been recently widowed. Her husband and childhood sweetheart Niall dropped dead of a heart attack before his time. Alone, with a daughter

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Love Child by Linda Kavanagh

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Love Child Author: Linda Kavanagh Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Publisher: Poolbeg Press

Linda Kavanagh’s second novel follows the same lines as her excellent debut, Love Hurts.

Joanna Brennan has just set up her own solicitor’s practice. One of her first jobs is to administer the will of her mother’s friend, Agnes, who has just suffered a serious heart attack. Agnes is about to reveal the reasoning behind some of her

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Pack up the Moon by Anna McPartlin

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Pack Up the Moon Author: Anna McPartlin Genre: Bereavement Publisher: Penguin Ireland Release Date: Jun 4 2009 Pages: 384

Emma and her friends have an enviable life. Young, successful and happy, the future is alive with possibilities. When Richard inherits some money they are only too happy to help him celebrate, but tragedy strikes and the lives that they once knew and enjoyed are over for good.

Plunged into despair, Emma’s life shrinks until all it consists of

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Wishful Thinking by Melissa Hill

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Wishful Thinking Author: Melissa Hill Genre: Chick-lit, Irish Publisher: Hodder

Rosie Mitchell is finally getting used to life without her late husband Martin. However, her two grown-up children are proving to be just a little bit selfish. So far Rosie has given in to their every request – but will it bring her happiness?

Louise Patterson is only 24, but she has already been through the mill. Determined to live life to

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Yeats is Dead! by 15 Irish authors

Filed under: Book Reviews,General Fiction,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Yeats Is Dead! Author: edited by Joseph O'Connor Genre: Fiction Publisher: Vintage Books Release Date: Jun 1 2002 Pages: 272

‘Yeats is Dead!’ is a rather bizarre story about a missing James Joyce manuscript and a mysterious formula – Y8s=+! – supposedly for hand cream.

Roddy Doyle starts the ball rolling in a caravan in Dublin with Nestor and Roberts. They are interrogating Reynolds on the instruction of Mrs Bloom and what Bloom says goes, after

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Two for Joy by Patricia Scanlan

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Two for Joy Author: Patricia Scanlan Genre: Women Publisher: Random House Release Date: Apr 1 2007 Pages: 623

Heather is a country girl, who doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with being a country girl, her glamorous cousin thinks that living anywhere other than Dublin is a mortal sin, so therefore good natured Heather is dragged off to Dublin where slowly but surely things start to go wrong.

Noreen returned home from London to nurse her mother

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