Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

Sex, Lies and Fairytales by Kate Thompson

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Sex, Lies and Fairytales Author: Kate Thompson Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Release Date: 2005 Pages: 333

Cleo Dowling won the lottery and is now running a bookshop in a small West of Ireland village called Kilrowan. Cleo and her gorgeous husband Pablo are definitely living the dream but all too quickly the dream becomes a nightmare when Pablo’s commission to paint a Dublin 4 princess threatens to ruin their marriage.

Pixi Pirelli is an incredibly

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Some Girls Will by Denise Sewell

Filed under: Book Reviews,General Fiction,Irish — Femmes @ 12:55 pm
Title: Some Girls Will Author: Denise Sewell Genre: General Fiction Release Date: 2007 Pages: 327

You would think after so many years of reading and reviewing books I would have gone past the stage of judging a book by its cover. Not so, I’m afraid, and when Some Girls Will by Denise Sewell popped through the letter box I instantly classed it as chick lit. How wrong I was.

Some Girls Will follows a family living in inner city Dublin for

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Sophia’s Story by Susan McKay

Filed under: Book Reviews,Irish,Biography — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Sophia's Story Author: Susan McKay Genre: Biography Release Date: 2004 Pages: 199

In 1995 Joseph McColgan was arrested in the West of Ireland, he was dubbed ‘The West of Ireland’ farmer by the newspapers. Over a period of 15 years he had repeatedly raped, assaulted and physically abused his wife and six children, as news of his appalling treatment of his family came to light the public wanted questions answered; how

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Something Borrowed by Tina Reilly

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Something Borrowed Author: Tina Reilly Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Publisher: Times Warner

Vicky McCarthy doesn’t know who she is. Adopted as a baby, a fact revealed to her when she was twelve, she just never really fitted it. Finally her curiosity has got the better of her and she wants to trace her birth mother.

Meanwhile in work, the bosses son, Ed, has just started working for her. Vicky is convinced that he’s being groomed

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Someone Like You by Cathy Kelly

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Someone Like You Author: Cathy Kelly Release Date: 2001 Pages: 688

Three woman meet on a cruise ship on the River Nile and a bond is formed that will last forever. Single, sexy Hannah is trying desperately to forget the man who betrayed her and is concentrating on her career – but is she really happy living a single life again? Emma has been married for two years to a wonderful man, but she’s desperate

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The Poor Mouth by Flann O’Brien

Filed under: Book Reviews,General Fiction,Irish — The Artist @ 12:55 pm
Title: The Poor Mouth Author: Flann O'Brien Genre: General Fiction, Irish Publisher: HarperPerennial Release Date: 1993 Pages: 128

Due to the mountain of books on my ‘to read’ list, it isn’t often I revisit the same book twice – and definitely not without having many years in between. The Poor Mouth is an exception. The reason I decided to reread The Poor Mouth – or An Beal Bocht as it was originally called upon publication in 1941 – was because

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Where Rainbows End by Cecelia Ahern

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Where Rainbows End Author: Cecelia Ahern Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Publisher: HarperCollins

Cecelia Ahern’s first book PS, I Love You was published in January of this year. I read it and, having done so, it was with some trepidation that I approached Where Rainbows End, her second novel.

The story is based around two childhood friends: Rosie and Alex. Neighbours from the age of five they grow up together and have stuck beside each

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Red Letter Day by Colette Caddle

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Red Letter Day Author: Colette Caddle Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Publisher: Simon and Schuster Release Date: 2004 Pages: 483

Twenty-seven-year-old Celine Moore became a widow after her husband Dermot died in a tragic accident and the people of Kilmont have supported and sympathised with her ever since. However, when they discover she has been finding comfort in the arms of local married hotshot Kevin Gilligan, they turn against her and Celine finds herself an outcast.


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Redeeming Hope by Anna O’Malley

Filed under: Book Reviews,Chick-Lit,Irish — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
Title: Redeeming Hope Author: Anna O'Malley Genre: Chick-Lit, Irish Release Date: Jan 1 2005 Pages: 456

Anna O’Malley is the pseudonym for popular thriller writer Maggie Gibson who decided to try her hand at women’s fiction. Redeeming Hope is her debut and I think I can safely say that Gibson’s future as a popular fiction author is well and truly secure. If you’re looking for an easy read – with a little bit more &#8211

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The Quiet Quarter, anthology of New Irish Writing, edited by Eoin Brady

Filed under: Book Reviews,Irish — The Writer @ 12:55 pm
Title: The Quiet Quarter Author: edited by Eoin Brady Genre: Irish Publisher: New Island Books

For my money, radio is at its most effective when it is telling stories. Stories on radio take many forms: a caller to a chat show, a news item, an interview with a famous person, an observation from the man on the street. A good one has the power to keep you in the car, hand on the dial, listening to hear how it ends, even though you had parked

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