Chick-Lit, Irish
Jun 1 2005

Living the Dream is Kate Thompson’s seventh novel and sees the return of some of her favourite characters.
Cleo Dowling’s dream has just come true, she’s won the lotto. Even though she is determined not to change, everyone’s attitude towards her does change, so Cleo takes off to a small village in the west of Ireland and tries to write a novel.
Dannie Moore’s love life has always been complicated but when she hears that Kilrowan has been selected as a location to film a blockbuster film directed by Jethro Palmer, life becomes even more complicated.
Deirdre O’Dare leaves her husband and kids in LA and flies to Kilrowan, accompanying her friend Eva Lavery for the filming of the movie. Her job is to write Eva’s biography but is seems the actress is not telling her everything.
Cleo’s new home gives her a sense of contentment and the gorgeous neighbour next door wins her heart. The spring in Kilrowan is full of surprises for everyone.
Thompson’s ability to write realistic characters is second to none. This book will make you laugh out loud and it will also have you reaching for the tissues. Although I have not read all of her books, (a situation I’m going to rectify), I have been assured by those who know that this is her best.