Chick-Lit, Irish

Cleo Dowling won the lottery and is now running a bookshop in a small West of Ireland village called Kilrowan. Cleo and her gorgeous husband Pablo are definitely living the dream but all too quickly the dream becomes a nightmare when Pablo’s commission to paint a Dublin 4 princess threatens to ruin their marriage.
Pixi Pirelli is an incredibly successful author. Although she has always catered to her publicist’s whims, one day Pixi decides she has had enough. Leaping off the media treadmill, Pixi decides to hide away in Kilrowan but even though she ran she cannot hide and Tabitha, whoever she may be, seems dead set on sabotaging Pixi’s career.
Hazel MacNamara is also hugely successful. She runs her own PR company and when she is asked to organise the PR for the Kilrowan Arts Festival she jumps at the challenge. However, even successful city slickers have secrets and, while trying to make the festival into the must-attend-event of the Irish social calendar, Hazel is also determined to keep her secrets.
This is Kate Thompson’s ninth novel and once again she has delivered. Incredibly, Sex, Lies and Fairytales might even be better than Living the Dream. Thompson’s characters, though quirky, still have that level of believability and the reader becomes totally immersed in the comings and goings of Kilrowan. Highly recommended.