Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

Tell No One by Harlan Coben

Filed under: Bookclub Books,Thriller — Femmes @ 3:07 pm
Tell No One Book Cover Tell No One
Harlan Coben
Dell Publishing Company

Meeting: Monday 17th March 2003

A riveting, fast-paced, suspense thriller.

A couple, two childhood sweethearts, revisit a childhood location, Lake Charmaine, for their thirteenth anniversary, with a tragic outcome. Elizabeth Beck is brutally murdered, while her husband, David, is left for dead. Eight years later, when Dr. David Beck has still not come to terms with his wife’s death, he receives an anonymous email linking him to an image of Elizabeth, bringing it all back to the surface again and the hope that she may be alive. Before long he is on the run himself, as he himself is accused of murdering his wife as well as others.

A very enjoyable and addictive read. Not exactly memorable once read but a real “in the moment” page-turner of a book, best read in one sitting. An interesting mixture of characters pop up here and there, that are never really explored. Full of twists and turns with an elaborate plot. Would be ideal for a thriller filmÂ…and, apparently, according to the Stars on Line website, we are likely to hear Harlan Coben’s name a lot over the next year or so in the entertainment media, in relation to the development of a film, a well as a possible TV series of some of his other books. 4/5

Score awarded by Bibliofemme: 2.6 out of 5

What the other femmes had to say
The Historian “Easy by-the-pool reading.” 1/5

The Writer “Fast-paced who-dunnit, or should that be who-isit? Bring to the beach.” 3/5

The DJ “Not really a thriller fan, I found this an easy if boring read. Written like a movie script that I won’t be watching if they make it.” 1/5

The Techie “A real page turner, I couldn’t put it down.” 4/5

The Connoisseur“Started out as a good e-thriller but ended up a bit too far fetched to be plausible” 4/5

The Artist “A definite page-turner but with a cheesy and often coincidence dependent plot. It’ll pass your time but don’t expect it to provoke deep thought! Airport fodder.” 1/5

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