General Fiction

Having read Noelle Harrison’s first novel, Beatrice, last year I was keen to read her second book. As she did in Beatrice, Harrison has created a story about three women whose lives are intertwined and who, despite their best efforts, cannot help but hurt each other.
Also as in Beatrice, the story is told through different women’s voices – Greta, Christina and Angeline. Greta is Christine’s mother. When Christine was six years old, Greta lost a baby. This brought on a bout of severe depression that Greta seemed unable to come out of. Unsure of what to do, Greta’s husband Tom has her committed and, before long, it seems he forgets that she ever existed.
Angeline is Greta’s best friend. Hired by Greta as a housekeeper, Angeline takes on the role of the woman of the house when Greta goes to hospital. Gradually she takes over every area that used to be Greta’s domain.
Christine, Greta’s daughter, never got over being abandoned by her mother. Years later, now a mother, she finds herself suffering from depression. On the verge of losing all access to her sons Christine realises she has to do something or she will suffer the same fate as her mother.
Harrison’s mastery of description is second to none and, while I don’t think she has quite equalled the brilliance of Beatrice, A Small Part of Me is an excellent, absorbing read.