Gill & Macmillan Ltd

Donal Ruane has taken it upon himself to explain why the Irish are so fed up. Apparently we are suffering from a national hangover. For years we have had this party, called the Celtic Tiger, and now the party is over we all have a bit of a headache, according to Ruane.
The first part of this book is Ruane having a good old moan, giving out about binge drinking, traffic jams, property prices and attitudes to the emigrants. These subjects are just a few of what have caught the author’s attention. Although humourous and presented with Ruane’s unique slant, he offers little by way of a solution.
The second part of the book is more interesting as Ruane dissects ‘The Happiness Thing’. With the aid of writings by Professor Layard, Ruane goes through the list of those things which affect happiness; mental health, satisfying and secure work, a safe community, freedom and moral values. Based on his own experiences Ruane gives an overview of how Ireland stands in relation to ‘The Happiness Thing’.
Ruane’s take on things is quite humourous although most of the first part of the book you would probably overhear in the pub, as we Irish do love to moan.