General Fiction

This is the book that Frank Delaney describes as the end of his apprenticeship. Considering the books he has already written – including The Bell Walk, At Ruby’s, Pearl – this is a pretty powerful statement, but does Ireland: A Novel live up to Delaney’s expectations?
The title is itself a proclamation, announcing that this book will explain Irish history to its readers. Delaney has attempted to explain our natural heritage to us by using legends and myths and stories we all heard when we were children.
Ronan O’Mara is our main protagonist. Growing up in 1950’s Ireland, a child of a lawyer and a pious mother, Ronan is a dreamer. One day a tall man arrives at the door, one of the few traditional storytellers left in Ireland. The Storyteller recounts the tale of Stone Age burial ground Newgrange to the assembled company and eight-year-old Ronan is enthralled. A couple of days later the Storyteller moves on, starting an obsession in Ronan that will last the rest of his life. Where has the Storyteller gone?
Using Ronan, Delaney links the Storyteller’s journey around Ireland and the tales he tells, including the stories about the Book of Kells, St Patrick and Parnell. As Ronan grows older his own storytelling ability develops too and he slowly begins to piece together the secret of his family that has been closely guarded since his birth.
In order to enjoy this book you have to take it as it is. Do not expect a precise documented history of Ireland, but rather a colourful, enjoyable journey through the fables of Irish history. I can imagine that it will evoke criticism from those who like their i’s to be dotted and their t’s to be crossed but, as a novel, it is brilliant. The character of the Storyteller, in particular, is beautifully drawn – while reading this book it is as if he himself is sitting beside you telling the tale.
I wait with bated breath to see what Frank Delaney will produce next. Ireland: A Novel proves that his apprenticeship is well and truly over.