Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford

Filed under: Book Reviews — Femmes @ 12:55 pm

Love in a Cold Climate by Nancy Mitford  Classics
(Published by Penguin Modern Classics)
3 Stars

The Bibliofemme book for 26th February 2004 was The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford.

Love in a Cold Climate revisits the settings and characters of The Pursuit of Love but places the accent on the Hampton family. Again narrated by Fanny and incorporating the Radletts it satisfies the longing from The Pursuit of Love to find out more about their lives, in particular Fanny’s, whose courtship and married life are elucidated, although much of this takes place through her luncheons and meetings with friends.

One of these friends is the beautiful heiress Polly Hampton. Polly, the daughter and only child of Lady and Lord Montdore, is expected to make a great marriage. Lady Montdore is, however, infuriated to find out that Polly seemingly has no interest in courtship or love.

And then the twist. Now, I’m not going to give this away as the back of my copy did. The rest of the novel follows Polly’s love life, Lady Montdore’s discontent and the arrival of Cedric – the Mondore’s heir from Canada (as Polly is female she cannot inherit their home) – all followed avidly by Fanny.

This is a charming, humorous and enchanting read. Much of the humour is character-based with the wonderful hypochondriac Davey reappearing and introducing the robust Lady Montdore and the somewhat stereotypically festive butterfly Cedric Hampton.

Some of the topics raised in this novel were surprising with adultery, homosexuality, lovers and fag hags all appearing in a casual and amusing manner.

The story itself is greatly enhanced by having read The Pursuit of Love, giving the reader insider knowledge and letting them get more of the comedy than they might have. Indeed Love in a Cold Climate is far funnier than The Pursuit of Love. Its final message is not so poignant, with all the characters intimately happy and relatively untainted by their tribulations at the end.

An easygoing, entertaining read. The Artist

Also by Nancy Mitford
The Pursuit of Love

May 2004

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