Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb

Filed under: Book Reviews,General Fiction — Femmes @ 12:55 pm
She's Come Undone Book Cover She's Come Undone
Wally Lamb
General Fiction
Singapore Books

She’s Come Undone is the story of a developing woman and her journey through life as she struggles to find her place. Told with every heart-breaking step of a woman who can never truly accept who she is and with all the scars that life has left her, Delores Price is a character that will stick with the reader.

What is most impressive about this novel is not the plot or the witty dialogue, but the author’s ability to identify with some of the most deep-seated insecurities and traumas of a woman. Wally Lamb is able to bring his audience into the aching mind and body of a woman as she struggles with neglect, eating disorders, rape and relationships. Accomplished and convincing, this is the highlight of this book.

This book is not all doom and gloom however; with every fall there is a rise, and one is left with an accurate view of life, bare bones, no Hollywood here. She’s Come Undone is one book that would be a sobering, yet easy-going read. Peppered with enough hope to keep you going, but not light-hearted enough to take to the beach. Good bus food. The Gardener

November 2004


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