Bibliofemme Bookclub An Irish Bookclub

January 10, 2012

The Fat Ladies Club by H Gardener, A Bettridge, S Groves, A Jones, L Lawrence

Filed under: Book Reviews,Biography — The Techie @ 12:55 pm
The Fat Ladies Club Book Cover The Fat Ladies Club
Hilary Gardener, Andrea Bettridge, Sarah Groves, Annette Jones, Lyndsey Lawrence,
Biography & Autobiography
Penguin UK

It’s amazing how, when you get pregnant, your first reaction is to read and inwardly absorb as much information as possible, much of which is incomprehensible and terrifying. I’m lucky in that I have a friend who has gone before me – already has a baby, that is – and this is the book she gave me.

Written by five friends who met at an ante-natal class, The Fat Ladies Club is a glimpse into their minds as they go through pregnancy. Sparing no details, these ladies are completely honest and yet answer all those questions that many of us would just be too embarrassed to ask.

Chapter by chapter the women tackle each of the issues that arise from conception to baby’s first weeks. Boobs, the bulge, exercise, sex, breastfeeding and the birth itself are all topics discussed candidly, with each of the ladies writing their own piece relating to the topic. Any mother will find pieces to relate to – I know I did.

Although the standard of writing may not be very high, this book is still a God send. Factual without being overwhelming, it is side splittingly funny in places, and very reassuring for nervous first-time-mothers! The Techie

The Writer Written in a very chatty style, this took me a while to get into, but as a guide to five real women’s different – yet all perfectly normal – experiences of first-time pregnancy, it is a valuable and highly reassuring read. 4/5

March 2006


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