Simon and Schuster

For the first time in the history of Bibliofemme a bookclub choice was rejected by the Femmes – not this book I hasten to add. Not my proudest moment but in my defence I have a baby now!
The book I chose which shall remain nameless as I do not wish to upset anyone was met with a resounding groan. A panic purchase by me and recommended by the ‘woman in the bookshop’ it was the only book they had seven copies of so I, like a fool, fell for it.
Much to the femmes horror I had in fact chosen a chick lit book! (the cover didn’t actually look chick lit-esque) so I hastily stuffed the seven copies back in the bag and went back to the drawing board.
A good friend of mine who is also an English teacher highly recommended The Map of Love, short-listed for the Booker in 1999 it is perhaps our first love story and the fact that it is by a foreign author appealed greatly to me, I can add it to my list of Ryszard Kapuscinski (The Shadow of the Sun), Carlos Ruiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind) and Khaled Hosseini (The Kite Runner).
Hopefully it will be better received by the Femmes and someday I may manage to live down the ‘chick lit incident’.
This month’s book was picked by The TechieĀ
Score awarded by Bibliofemme: 3 out of 5
What the other femmes had to say
“The story from the past was so engaging compared with the contemporary story that it made me wonder if they had been written separately. Not very believable but a great pageturner for all that.” 3/5
“Despite its often clunky handling of the modern-day politics, this is a many-layered, ambitious and ultimately enjoyable read.” 4/5